Let’s build a great website together.
We can bring your web design vision and ideas to life through innovative custom design for your business. We work on hundreds of websites a year, and bring unique insight from our deep experience.
Get Free Project Discovery Worth $2,500
Websites Built
Hours of Coding
5 Star Reviews
Years of Excellence
What Kind of Website Do You Need?
We have over 200 team members specializing in diverse platforms, coding languages, frameworks, and industries. Whether you need a website for an ecommerce business, local lead generation, a custom application, or informational and entertainment purposes, we can help.
This fashion boutique came to Coalition because although they had a social media following, they were not seeing the revenue results they were looking for. We took over full online marketing including web development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), paid social media, and email marketing. In their first year with us, this fashion retailer generated $2.5 million in revenue while spending only $100,000 on our services.
Your website design and development critically defines your online presence. Even the most basic improvements in your website can have far-reaching effects on your success in the marketplace.
Businesses can no longer get by with a simple but poorly optimized website. As the web has evolved, customers have become progressively savvier and choose who to do business with based on a business’s digital presence.
Coalition Technologies has succeeded and out-performed other web design companies for the past decade by providing a better service that delivers superior outcomes to our clients.
With over 600 client case studies ranging from websites for dentists to websites for fashion ecommerce brands, our breadth of experience and repeated ability to drive positive outcomes is unrivaled in the web design industry.
Our professional Digital Strategists first work with you to develop a scope of work that reflects best practices for your industry and also address your specific business needs. Our project managers, designers, developers, and QA team take that website scope and efficiently execute on it, all while educating you, involving you, and keeping you up to date on our progress.
Hundreds of clients have raved about our services on Clutch, Google, Facebook, and more. Contact us today and our expert team will review your account and provide you with a strategy, timeline, and forecast that includes a competitor strategy review for free. We can get you started immediately, so call us right now at (310) 827-3890.
What Is The Best CMS For You?
Coalition actively reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of leading website content management systems. As your website design and development company, let us guide you to the right website platform selection.
When you’re a brand synonymous with ecommerce and online transacting, your choice in partners is critical. PayPal chose Coalition for its BigCommerce Enterprise store builds after an exhaustive vetting process that compared some of the ecommerce industry’s leading agencies. Our knowledge of the SaaS ecommerce market, BigCommerce, and our ability to provide extensive custom development to support the brand’s need were all winning factors. The mobile friendly, content rich ecommerce site stands out from typical ecommerce experience and captures the PayPal brand wonderfully.
What Our Clients Are Saying
Call us at (310) 827-3890 or Email Us
Featured Projects
See how our web development and SEM services helped Pink Lily generate $2.5 million in revenue in the first year of working with us.
Learn how our website redesign helped Native Union increase revenue by 20% month over month and organic traffic by 58% in just six months.
Our Work Includes 600+ Websites Built
Web Design Matters
Web Design impacts how users perceive your brand, and you only get one chance to make that first impression. Great web design will provide users with an intuitive, attractive experience across all platforms while informing them about your brand and increasing your conversion rate.
Mobile users account for more than half of all website traffic and that percentage keeps rising. To increase conversions and maintain your brand authority, we implement responsive web designs that will adjust to any screen size or platform for the best user experience.
Successful web design includes integrated marketing that targets your optimal user base. Our ability to integrate better tracking, analytics, SEO, SEM, social, and email marketing into your website build guarantees lower bounce rates and considerably more conversions.
We build responsive ecommerce, lead gen, custom, and informational websites that are attractive, intuitive, and optimized.
Our web developers make your vision a reality. From front-end to back-end, we make sure every aspect of your website is executed with precision.
We start our process by learning everything we can about your brand and then we make sure that every element on your website reflects that brand to your users.
Through targeted SEO, PPC, Email, and social media marketing, we increase brand awareness, organic traffic, and conversions in both the short- and long-term.
600+ Case Studies Driving Sales
Increased traffic by nearly 200%.
District Clothing, a fashion basics retailer, was having a difficult time getting the brand recognition and traffic they deserved due to a highly competitive SEO landscape. They came to Coalition in hopes of bringing more traffic to their website and generating more revenue.
After designing and developing a new WordPress and Nexternal ecommerce website for them, we launched aggressive SEO and PPC campaigns that resulted in an increase in traffic to the brand’s website by nearly 200%. Their site ranked alongside major multinational brands in ideal search results, and their revenue increased in tandem with that growth.
Organic revenue increased by 631% in just six months.
Bare Performance, a nutritional supplement company, came to Coalition because they needed a new website that would rank at the top in search results.
Once we built their website and completed SEO work, organic revenue increased by 631% in just six months. Organic sessions increased by 147%, and overall revenue increased 104% from $192,000 to $391,000.
Increased revenue by 236.89% in just two months.
QSpray, a spray equipment specialist, came to Coalition for a new website and targeted SEO campaign. They needed to break into the digital market and trusted Coalition with the job.
After building their website, completing extensive SEO work, and launching their PPC campaign, we increased QSpray’s revenue by 263.89% in just two months. They saw impressive ROIs of 281.55%, 352.50%, and 513.74% in the following three months.
In comparison to the previous year, the site is attracting 89.36% more organic users.
Watch Warehouse, a discount watch dealer, came to us for a website redesign and multiple online marketing services in hopes of building a better web presence and increasing their revenue.
Once we designed their new website and optimized their PPC efforts, organic revenue increased by 169.11%, organic transactions increased by 128.89%, and their Google Ads campaigns showed an ROI of 2,257% with a spend of $7,235 generating $170,562.
Organic revenue grew by 820% during the first two years.
Peak Pilates, a cutting-edge fitness company, needed to stand out in a competitive market so they came to Coalition.
Once we completed their web design, an extensive SEO overhaul, and launched their PPC campaign, organic revenue grew by 820% during the first two years. They also experience a higher conversion rate through all search channels.
ROI grew to 248% on PPC spend
Krav Maga Worldwide, leaders in Krav Maga self-defense training classes, wanted to reach more users and increase class attendance. They came to Coalition for graphic design, SEO, WordPress, PPC, web design, and web development.
Through our web design, SEO, and PPC campaigns, they saw an increase of 248% in organic sessions and organic new users grew by 281%.
Our Web Design Process
Our team of 180+ has expertise in SEO, PPC, web design and development with a 600+ successful client track record.
Our checklists, systems, and processes lead to consistent results across our clients.
Our world class team is headquartered in Los Angeles and are able to resolve any issue.
JordanPresident & COO
CarlDirector of Digital Strategy
CassDirector of Strategic Partnerships
RebeccaDirector of Marketing
RyanDirector of Marketing - Lead Generation
TiagoDirector of Design & Development
Michael O.Front End Development Manager
RajBack End Development Manager
AaronCopy Strategist Team Lead
Abdul A.PPC Team Lead - Search
AmbrogioFront End Team Lead
AnnaDesign Team Lead
AndreaPublic Relations & Link Building Team Lead
AshokPPC Team Lead
CandiDigital Producer Team Lead - Marketing
CassioFull Back End Team Lead
ChetanSEO Analyst Team Lead - Lead Generation
CodyManager of Digital Production - Marketing
CzarinaDigital Strategy Assistant Team Lead
Daniel T.SEO Analyst Team Lead
DeepakSEO Manager - Lead Generation
Eric V.Front End Development Team Lead
GustavoDesign Team Lead - Marketing
HamzaSolutions Development Team Lead
IvonaRecruiting Team Lead
Jennifer I.Marketing QA Team Lead
JulioFront End Team Lead
KanikaSEO Manager
KaranQuality Assurance Team Lead
KaranbeerMarketing Development Team Lead
Kelsey B.Accounting Team Lead
KristaWeb Digital Producer Team Lead
ManojSEO Analyst Team Lead
MarianneLink Building Team Lead
MarshallCopy Strategist Team Lead
MeaganDigital Producer Team Lead - Marketing
MohyeeSEO Analyst Team Lead - Lead Generation
MohammadBack End Developer
MyraOperations Support Team Lead
NorahAssociate Digital Producer - Marketing
RohitSEO Analyst Team Lead
Sarah S.Digital Producer Team Lead - Marketing
SaritaSEO Analyst Team Lead
Steve S.Digital Producer Team Lead - Marketing
ThysDigital Producer - Marketing Team Lead
TiborMarketing Development Team Lead
TiffanyCopy Strategist Team Lead
UmairFront End Team Lead
VivekPPC Analyst Team Lead
AasthaLink Builder
Abdul M.Front End Developer
AbongileSenior SEO Analyst
AdhikarSEO Analyst
AdityaPPC Analyst
AhsanSEO Analyst
AlbertAssistant Reporting Analyst
Alex C.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Alexis M.Assistant Reporting Analyst
AliaAssistant Copy Strategist
AlirezaLaravel Developer
Alpana C.Digital Producer - Marketing
AmbrosiaDigital Producer
AmyAssociate Marketing Digital Producer
Andy L.Copy Strategist
AngelBack End Developer
AnkitaPPC Analyst
AnnamariahDigital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Anthony B.Digital Strategist
ArsalanSEO Analyst
AseelAssistant Reporting Analyst
AshleeAssistant Copy Strategist
AshokSEO Analyst
AsjadQA Analyst
Avinash B.Back End Developer
AvionneDigital Strategist Assistant
BlessingAssistant Reporting Analyst
BrendaAssociate Digital Producer - Marketing
Brendon B.Sr. Digital Producer - Marketing
BrookeAssistant Reporting Analyst
CarolineDigital Producer Trainee - Marketing
CarolynAssistant Copy Strategist
CharlesDigital Strategist
Charmaine A.Link Builder
Chris R.Accountant
Christine C.Assistant Recruiter
Christine V. H.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Clifford M.Digital Strategist
Cyana A.Assistant Marketing QA Specialist
Dan M.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Daniel N.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Daylon F.Recruiter
Deepak Y.Designer
Diana G.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
DianneDigital Strategy Assistant
DileepBack End Developer
DivyaFront End Developer
DougDigital Strategist
Edward K.Associate Digital Producer - Marketing
ElyssaDigital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Emmanuel D. A.SEO Analyst
EptikarPPC Analyst
ErnestoSEO Analyst
Evelyn G.Assistant Recruiter
FaizaSEO Analyst
FazillSEO Analyst
Faye L.Digital Production Assistant - Design and Development
Federico L.Assistant Recruiter
GarrettMarketing Digital Producer Trainee
GauravSEO Analyst
GurkiratLink Builder
Henry U.SEO Developer
Hope A.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
HunterDigital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Ivan O.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
James D.Assistant Copy Strategist
Jane O.Link Builder
Jason S.Email Marketing Strategist
Jatin S.PPC Specialist
JeminiAssistant Recruiter
Jennifer L.Marketing Digital Producer
Jessica S.Associate Digital Producer - Marketing
JimnahWeb Designer
Jimmy L.Copy Strategist
Jithman S.Front End Developer - Trainee
Joel G.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
JosephFront End Developer
JosiahBack End Developer
Juan M.Associate Digital Producer - Marketing
JuliaCopy Strategist
Justice B.Back End Developer
KapilFront End Developer
KarthikaLink Builder
KateAssociate Digital Producer - Marketing
Kate P.Assistant Copy Strategist
Kayla H.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Ken R.Front End Developer - Trainee
Kevin K.Digital Strategist
Kevin S.Digital Strategist
KimberleyMarketing Digital Producer
KomalQuality Assurance Specialist
KorantengFront End Developer
KuteesaBack End Developer
Laith J.Laravel Developer
LakshayaBack End Developer
Laura H.Assistant Copy Strategist
LaurelAssistant to the CEO
Lauren H.Digital Producer - Design & Development
Leah MP.Digital Producer
Leah T.Recruiter
LenaAssociate Digital Producer - Design & Development
Letitia D.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
LuisDigital Producer
Maggie D.Digital Producer - Design & Development
MattAssociate Digital Producer - Marketing
Matthew B.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
MazenBack End Developer
MelanieOffice Manager
Mohammed R.Front End Developer - Trainee
MohabAssistant Reporting Analyst
MubarakSEO Analyst
MuhammadBack End Developer
Nadine J.Operation Assistant
NehaSEO Developer
NehemiahSEO Reporting Analyst
Nielle Anne M.Digital Producer - Marketing
NiteshSEO Analyst
NitinFront End Developer - Trainee
Paige B.Recruiter
PavithraPPC Analyst
Pieter O.Digital Producer - Marketing
Prayag C.SEO Analyst
Pranav G.SEO Analyst
Puneet B.SEO Analyst
RafaelaFront End Developer
RamFront End Developer
RamojiSEO Analyst
Randall H.Copy Strategist
RaviSEO Analyst
Ray G.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Rohit W.Designer
RupinderSEO Analyst
RushikeshFront End Developer - Trainee
Ryan L.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
Saad Y.SEO Developer
SachleenSEO Analyst
Sahil P.Front End Developer
Samuel K.Front End Developer
Samuel S.Digital Producer - Design & Development
SansuSEO Analyst
SarveshPPC Analyst
SeifSEO Analyst Trainee
SevdhaAssociate Digital Producer - Marketing
ShakeelSEO Analyst
ShardéDigital Strategy Assistant
SharonMarketing QA Specialist
ShashankFront End Developer - Trainee
ShielaOperations Assistant
Shiva P.Front End Developer - Trainee
Shivangani V.Front End Developer - Trainee
SierraPersonal Assistant
SimerAssistant to the Dev Manager
SnehaFront End Developer
SoutrikLink Builder
SteffyDigital Strategist Assistant
Stephanie C.Associate Digital Producer - Marketing
Steve P.Digital Producer - Marketing
SudhirSEO Analyst
Suryanshi T.Link Builder
SydneyDigital Producer Trainee - Marketing
SyedSEO Analyst
TalhaSEO Developer
Talha Q.Front End Developer
Talia K.Social Media Specialist - Trainee
Taylor D.Recruiter
TessCopy Strategist
Tracey-Ann L.Accounting Assistant
Trisha F.Digital Producer Trainee - Marketing
UnigweBack End Developer
VajraSEO Developer
VictoriaRecruiter Trainee
VijenderSEO Analyst
VineethSEO Analyst
XevranSEO Analyst Trainee
What High-End Web Design Can Do for You
In today’s competitive marketplace, an adequate website just won’t cut it. Online shoppers have become accustomed to responsive websites that are easy to use, appealing to the eye, and fast. A recent study showed that the average user would click off a website that took longer than 3 seconds to load. Three seconds! If your website isn’t meeting or exceeding a user’s expectations, you’re going to lose authority, trust, and especially revenue. However, a well-designed website can define your brand, engage your audience, and drive your sales beyond expectation.
What Coalition Technologies Can Do for You
Coalition Technologies has built an expert team of web designers and developers who are at the forefront of the industry. Through innovation and continuous learning, we are able to stay on top of an ever-changing landscape and deliver cutting-edge designs that put your website a step ahead of the competition.
With over 600 successful client case studies, Coalition can prove our results. We can show you how we increase traffic, reduce bounce rates, and drive revenue. Take a look at our case studies and see how our web design services have generated hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. We will do the same for you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What platforms do you work with?
We design and develop BigCommerce, Shopify, and WordPress websites. We also work on websites on other platforms such as Magento, Squarespace, and the like.
Will I be able to see what the site looks like first?
Yes, we will create mockups and implement your feedback into the development work.
Can you create a new logo for my brand?
Yes! Learn more about our logo design services here.
Will AI be used to generate my website?
We may occasionally use AI for initial research. However, our developers hand code within the platform’s framework and our managers review their work to make sure we keep the human touch. We never implement code without thorough review and quality assurance.
When will my website launch?
Our timelines vary based on the complexity of the build, but many of our projects are launched in a 4-6 month timeframe.
Should I also sign up for marketing services?
Pairing our Web Design and Development services with our Marketing services will provide the most positive impact on your business. A new site can’t do you much good if customers can’t find it!
Related Resources
Work with Coalition
If you want to future-proof your website and generate more revenue, contact us today. Our exceptional team of web designers and developers will review your website and provide you with an analysis, strategy, and timeline that includes a competitor strategy review for free. We can get you started immediately, so call us right now at (310) 827-3890 and start making more money.